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Old Gold

The term "old gold" has been used since the early 19th century to describe the color of precious metal with the dignified patina of age. This shade can range from greenish brown to deep mustard, though it’s most commonly a dark yellow hue. Today, old gold is often associated with professional sports. It’s the color of several American professional football teams and university sports programs. It is also associated with the Cornish political party in Scotland because of its use in the nation’s iconic tartan plaid. A rich golden yellow is currently on trend for your wardrobe, too. A vibrant mustard or sophisticated saffron hue can be used for everything from a statement clutch, to a casual tee with your favorite jeans, to a flowing dress to bring some much needed lightness and cheer. Although many find yellow difficult to wear, try matching the undertones of your skin to find a flattering shade. In your home, old gold is an inspired choice if you’re looking for a deep, rich neutral that’s not overdone. It looks cool and relaxing when paired with gray, or sophisticated and trendy when you add a pop of deep yellow to other jewel tones, like magenta, teal, or emerald. For a modern, contemporary twist, try it with black and white to add warmth to this sleek aesthetic.


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