
Bright Orange

Bright orange is an energetic color that evokes tropical climes and adventure. Orange itself is a zesty blend of red and yellow, and this hue captures the best qualities of both. It combines the cheerfulness of yellow with the energy and passion of red. It is a darling of interior designers who want to give spaces a burst of confident color. Decidedly not shy, this hue absolutely demands attention. Bright orange has many interpretations, from luscious, fresh oranges and beautiful sunsets to pumpkins and the glory of autumn leaves just before they fall from trees. In interiors, this color is bold, positive, and self-possessed. Plan carefully how you want to incorporate this strong hue into a room. It looks stunning when used to add a small color explosion to an otherwise neutral room with pillows, throws, table runners, or vases. For a bold statement, paint one wall this color, leaving the rest of the room neutral. For a striking effect, pair bright orange with blues, from turquoise to navy. It also looks good with gray. Beware of pairing this particular hue with brown, however, as it can create a dated look you may find grating to live with after a short while. This color looks especially good in dining areas, where it is said to stimulate appetite and promote good conversation.


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