
Electric Blue

You might not have heard of electric blue yet, but men’s fashion magazines have been calling it the best low-key but bold hue to add to your wardrobe. Similar to cyan, this neon shade is inspired by the momentary flash of color created by a bolt of lightning or an electric spark. The color name was first used in English in 1845 and the shade itself was the hottest trend of the 1890s. In the 1980s, the decade of all things neon, this color once again experienced a resurgence. This vibrant shade of blue has been seen in countless menswear couture collections as well as on street style social media influencers. Try this tone for a classic fleece sweatshirt, athleisure-inspired joggers or a preppy polo. Many men already count blue as their favorite color, so turning up the brightness is an easy, comfortable way to increase the fashion quotient of any ensemble. Electric blue is often seen on women as well, popping up in high-fashion collections by a number of A-list designers. Try slingback kitten heels, a cozy puffer jacket or a structured blazer in bright, bright blue. Not sold on this shade of blue? You’re about to see it everywhere. Try electric blue in your home to create a calming essence inspired by tranquil tropical waters.


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