

Lilac, a light violet color, is inspired by the freshness of the lilac flower. It is soft and delicate, like a young blossom wet with dew. Pretty and dainty, this hue is prized in the worlds of fashion, beauty, and interior design. Lilac is a perennial favorite color for weddings. It is used for bridesmaids’ dresses, bouquets and floral arrangements, and other wedding decorations. In general wear, clothing this color speaks of spring. Cosmetics in this hue make a definite impact. Eye shadow in this shade is particularly prized by women with green eyes. This hue is also at home in interiors, especially those inspired by cottage charm and, on the other end of the spectrum, minimalistic modern décor themes. Lilac looks good with other shades of purple, and it works in a number of patterns, from solids to stripes and plaids to florals, making it a natural for creating restful, feminine bedrooms, living areas, and bathrooms. However, this tone also works well in modern décor themes. It is not a strictly feminine color, either. It pairs well with grey, brown, and black, and softens masculine straight lines. Lilac is gentle, fresh, and appealing. It works in multiple décor styles, and it is a favorite for cosmetics and fashion, especially weddings. Dewy and delicate, the appeal of this color will not fade any time soon.


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