
Tiffany Blue

Few gifts hold greater significance in pop culture than that pale blue jewelry box. Tiffany blue is a vibrant robin’s egg hue, just a few shades lighter than a classic peacock. This iconic color carries the cachet of an elegant diamond solitaire. Although Tiffany blue is a cool color, it can be worn by just about anyone. In fact, it’s a universally popular option for bridesmaid dresses. It also looks amazing with both silver jewelry for a sophisticated effect and gold jewelry for a warm, lively effect. Use just a hint of this color in the form of gemstone earrings or a sleek blue manicure for instant style points. Like most shades of blue, Tiffany blue is a tranquil, relaxing choice when used in the home. This fresh aquatic blue calls to mind a tropical escape, which makes it the perfect color to create a spa-like, resort-inspired palette at home. Create an energizing palette by pairing this color with muted primaries such as brick red, navy and mustard yellow. This color also works well with neutral shades such as warm tan and cool gray. For a truly vibrant effect, throw chartreuse into the mix as an accent color. Bring bohemian vibes to the forefront by pairing this shade of blue with a rich brown leather.


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