
Jungle Green

Jungle green, despite its wild name, is a soft yet elegant tone of spring green that contains blue tints. The rich color has three other shades of this hue: deep jungle green, medium jungle green and dark jungle green. Each shade of the color, regardless of how deep it may get, is vibrant and jewel-like, bringing to mind its close cousin, emerald. When used in home décor, green can be terrifying—at least, for those who don't know how to use it properly. The truth is that the right green, paired with the right colors, can look chic, sophisticated and downright dreamy. When you pair jungle green with white marble and gold accents, you can create a space that is clean yet sophisticated and that speaks volumes about your sense of style. Consider using this color and material combination in your kitchen or bathroom. If you want a space that reflects your eclectic personality, paint an accent wall jungle green. Use furniture in warm wood tones, large potted plants and a knitted rug to create an environment that feels like a tropical oasis. Jungle green doesn't have to be sophisticated or eclectic. Rather, it can be homey and inviting. Pair the hue with white, creams and other shades of green to make a space that will encourage even the most rigid of guests to kick off their shoes and make themselves at home.


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