

Seafoam is a soothing and peaceful shade inspired by the ocean. It resembles turquoise, but it is softer and has more gray. It is a combination of light blue green mixed with grey, and it evokes vibrant nature in full bloom—irresistibly fresh. Though relaxing, this tone also gently suggests vibrancy and energy. Seafoam pairs wonderfully with tones of green and softer shades of blue, especially those with gray tones such as steel blue. It looks lovely with taupe, white, and silver. It also combines well with brown and brighter colors such as turquoise, hot pink, and both lighter and darker tones of purple. This color is soft enough that you can relax easily in entire rooms painted this shade. Add furnishings in brown and shades of blue or green, with pops of color from purple, yellow, and bright pinks. Seafoam looks beautiful on vases, artwork, and lamps in living rooms, offices, and libraries. In bathrooms, towels this color set a restful tone, especially when other colors in the room are blues and greens set off by white and silver. Add candles in this shade for a beautiful, soft effect. Seafoam may be said to clothe sea-dwelling mermaids, but it also is popular for bridesmaids. It has spilled over into general fashion as well, in dresses, leggings, blazers, shoes, purses, and accessories such as scarves.


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